Mission Statement


Core Values

Embrace All God's Children

“We are called to extend Christ’s welcome to all people. We welcome all, regardless of race, age, culture, national origin, ethnicity, language, sexual orientation, gender identity, family status, marital status, physical or cognitive ability, theological knowledge, education, political perspective, economic condition, or religious background.”

Joyful Generosity

Reflecting God’s generosity to us, we joyfully and freely give financial, time and physical resources to support the ministries of CtK.

Side by Side in Service

Reflecting God’s generosity to us, we joyfully and freely give financial, time and physical resources to support the ministries of CtK.

Living Lightly in God's Creation

We are called to respond in ways that embody God’s love for all of creation. We seek to incorporate the principles of sufficiency and sustainability in our lives, with the hope of a shared future.

Fostering Faith

Growing in faith never stops! We value age-specific and intergenerational opportunities which nurture and challenge and offer hope and encouragement.

Christ-Centered Worship

“Led by the Holy Spirit, drawing inspiration from Holy Scriptures and reflecting on daily life, we worship to thank God for God’s grace given to all.”