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Serve Like a Star! 

The magi were led by a star; let us follow the star and begin the year serving others. These projects are great for all ages and will be from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday evenings. All items needed for these projects are funded through Thrivent Action Teams.

January 15 - Tying Fleece Blankets

We will tie fleece blankets for Children's Hospital of MN to give to patients. Meet in the Trinity Room.

January 22 - Cookie Making for Emergency Service Personnel

Let's bake cookies and make cards to show our appreciation for New Brighton's first responders, firefighters and public safety officers. Meet in the large kitchen.

January 29 - Living Lightly in God's Creation

On this night, we will harvest native prairie seeds and plant them in starter pots and then begin watching them grow before planting them on CtK's property in the spring. Meet in the gym.